Current Members
Upcoming events, promotional materials, campaign information, and more!
Upcoming Events
Information and registration information for all of our upcoming events and engagements opportunities!
Annual Member
Business Meeting
Please plan to join us for the 2024 Member Business Meeting on November 20th!
This hour long, virtual meeting is required of all members, and is a time dedicated to voting on new nonprofit members incoming in the new year and learning about 2025 initiatives to add value to your team.
Date: November 20, 2024
Time: 2pm MST
Location: Virtual via Zoom (link sent upon registration)

Past Events
Visit the Community Shares Member Google Drive to see recordings, presentations, and presenter contact information from previous Summer Learning Series, Mental Health Sessions, Professional Development presentations, and more.
Recent past events include the 2024 Summer Learning Series (recaps below) and the 2024 Member Orientation.

Campaign Calendar
Community Shares and our members work together every year to reach our mutual fundraising goals. To have a successful campaign season, it is critical that member organizations plan marketing and outreach efforts. These should include:
January – June (post-campaign season)
- Once campaigns are closed, Community Shares will notify you that Donor Reports are available through the Nonprofit Portal
- After you pull your donor list, make sure to thank your workplace-giving donors for their pledge. (CSC sends out their tax acknowledgement)
- Add those donors to your collateral mailing list
- Applications for the next CCC/CFC campaign cycles are due in January. Be on the look out for emails from Community Shares to address any issues with your recertification as we apply for those government campaigns on your behalf
- In February/March, we will send an email with a link where you can submit marketing content for your organization. Provide complelling and current content so we can be ready to promote your work during campaign season
July and August (gearing up for new campaign season)
- Send an outreach piece (e.g., email, postcards) to your past and current workplace giving donors including a thank you and encouragement to designate to give again.
- Publish an article in your newsletter about workplace giving.
- Remind your supporters to request your nonprofit for fairs and speaking engagements.
September - December (campaign season)
- Be ready to attend a fair (in-person and/or virtually)
- Push out information about the campaigns on your social media sites.
- Include campaign information in your newsletters and other special communications
- Kick-off your nonprofit’s internal workplace giving campaign!
- Help Community Shares open new campaigns.
Member Documents

Protected Member Information
This Community Shares Member Google Drive is a robust resource for any member looking to learn more about workplace campaigns, educational resources, special event logistics, and more!
The Member Google Drive contains:
- Campaign Results
- Campaign totals for your organization from the last six years of workplace giving campaigns
- Educational Resources
- Presentation Archive from the last two years of Summer Learning Series, Annual Member Business Meetings, and more.
- Login and password information for our partners at the Nonprofit Learning Lab
- Marketing Materials
- Community Shares current logos
- Some suggestions for website and email copy.
- Upcoming Event Support
- Any additional logistical and informational materials about upcoming events and engagement opportunities.
All current member contacts should have received an email granting access. To add other team members, please email Paige at